Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Best Electric Guitars For Heavy Metal

Among the many aspects of heavy metal guitar, the one that has become more refined with every generation of players is the precision with which it's played.

Black Sabbath can be said to be a band that played in a loose sort of way, but most of today metal is not like that. Think of the difference between American baseball before steroids and after and you might be in the ballpark!

So it's only fitting that guitars mainly designed for heavy metal take ergonomics very serious. Craftsmanship, attention to detail, those are things that your parents look for in furniture, and lawyers and doctors in their Les Pauls.

Metal guitars are about precision, speed, comfort and most important, a metal sound! There are many factors that add to the overall quality of a guitar, but sometimes the most important thing is the vibe of the instrument, how it feels when you play them.

Since moving to the US I've been extremely lucky to work and play many electric guitars, some that I could only dream about before. I'm very impressed by the current electric guitars for heavy metal that are available these days.

Guitars like the Schecter C1 Hellraiser for example, ever since this guitar came out I've been a huge fan of it. I remember many days making a living opening boxes and getting guitars ready for sale. Opening 12 boxes of Squier Affinity Strats was not fun at all, but I very much looked forward opening this one every time I could.

Or depending on which of the hundreds of sub-genres of heavy metal you might be interested a guitar like the Gibson SG Faded. I'm a big fan of classic metal, especially Black Sabbath, and as we all know this is the guitar Mr. Iommy is known for. For heavy metal guitars like these are among the best.

Silas have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for Guitars for sale and great passion and knowledge for electric guitars for sale and all the different options & providers available in the market today. Find out for more info also here

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