Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How to Be a Better Guitar Player - Things You Need to Know to Be a Better Guitar Player

Everyone wants to make some things in their lives better. Some may want a better job or a better house. Others may want to have a better life in general. And then there are some who want to improve the way they do things. Such is the case of some musicians. They want to know how to be a better guitar player.

Completely knowing your instrument is one way as to how to be a better guitar player. This means knowing the guitar's different parts and functions. It is also important to know how to clean and maintain your guitar. One of the ways to maintain a guitar is to tune its strings frequently so as to ensure everything is in tune. Guitar tuners are also available out in the market to help guitar players with their tuning needs. In time, you won't need these guitar tuners as the notes and tunes will become clearer to your hearing.

Another way on how to be a better guitar player is to learn how to read and play notes. Being able to read notes helps you a lot since most music are transcribed into musical sheets. A guitar music sheet works just like a piano music sheet does in a way that each note corresponds to a certain point in which a guitar string must be pressed. Some people don't go beyond strumming and chords which limits them to the amount of music that they can play. Some play it by ear, trying to imitate the sounds that they hear with the sounds that they are able to produce with the guitar. Any way works but for a person to be a better guitar player, reading notes is important.

Posture is also another key ingredient in knowing how to be a better guitar play. This is because the wrong posture may result to you unintentionally straining your back. There is a proper way to hold a guitar. The correct posture is especially practiced in music recitals or if the guitar player is a classical music performer. This is also observed by those in orchestral groups.

The key to learn how to be a better guitar player is practice. In practicing, a guitar player should start things slowly. They should also start with easier pieces first before progressing to more difficult pieces of music. When you notice that you've committed a mistake somewhere in the process of playing a guitar, it is better to start over and try to avoid committing the same mistake all over again. The process of starting over helps you memorize the musical piece that you are trying to master. However, when practicing, it is best to select a place in which to practice so that you won't disturb other people.

Take it easy and take time to relax. Remember, you are playing the guitar because it's fun for you to do so. If you start to feel a little overwhelmed or pressured, take a quick break. What's the joy of doing something when it starts to feel like a burden to you?

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