Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Used Electric Guitar Negotiating Techniques - Getting the Best Deal When Buying Or Selling

Most things in life are negotiable. Of course this includes used electric guitars and used bass guitars.

When you're shopping for your guitar it helps to know a few negotiating techniques. Perhaps the seller knows them so you should be prepared to counter his maneuvers.

There are many tricks but I will go over some of the most basic ones that you might encounter during your discussions with sellers.

1) The Wince - When you make an offer and the seller winces, gasps, looks shocked or expresses any form of surprise it's an attempt to make you feel uncomfortable and move the price in their favor. There are two responses to this. You may simply ask, "You seem surprised. What's wrong?" Now you've forced them to respond and you can continue discussing the deal. But the better way is to say nothing. Silence forces the seller to make the next move.

2) Silence - If the seller uses silence on you it's probably to make you feel uncomfortable and change your offer. Most people feel awkward if there is silence and they feel the need to talk. Doing so will weaken your position. Counter this approach by staying silent until the seller is forced to continue negotiating the used electric guitar sale.

3) The Better Offer - Ms. Seller indicates that the offer you just made is a lot less than one she is considering from another potential buyer. You have two tactical choices. First, you can thank her for her time and walk away. If she's afraid of losing you she will call you back. Or you could tell her that you have the cash in hand and are ready to deal now; and does she want to risk losing a sale to a "maybe buyer."

4) Better Than That - You've made an offer and the seller says, "No way, you've got to do better than that." Mr. Seller is counting on you increasing your price. Simply tell him that he's got to let you know what "better" is. Make him state a price. Then let the negotiations progress from there.

5) Walking Away - You've stated your best price and the used guitar seller says it's not good enough and literally walks away from you. What he hopes will happen is that you'll be scared you've lost out on this great guitar and tell him to come back. If you do, you lose. Simply wait for the seller to turn around, on his own. Odds are, your lack of response has him afraid he will lose you.

6) The Highball - This next technique may happen if the seller realizes that you are really interested in his vintage electric guitar. He or she may state a very high price; one that is above what they expect to receive. However, they know that once a number is spoken it can always be lowered but never increased. Remain calm or use "The Wince" to let them know that their price is unreasonable. Continue discussions.

7) Take It Or Leave It - When a seller is firm on a price that you find too high and tells you to "take it or leave it" you can use some of the techniques above like The Wince or Silence. However, probably the best thing you can do is thank the seller for his time and start walking away. The guitar seller will most likely call you back to continue bartering.

8) Deadline - If a seller tells you that he's got to get rid of his used electric guitar today, he may be creating a phony deadline. Don't be swayed by this maneuver. You may find that you've given him the price that he wanted all along because you were afraid of losing the guitar. He's not going to take it off the market just because no one buys it "today."

9) Emotional Pressure - Occasionally, someone will react in a ridiculous manner to your offer. This includes anger, crying or derisive laughter. To handle behavior like this remain calm and unfazed. The seller is trying to make you uncomfortable and negotiate emotionally. When their tantrum is over you may continue to discuss the purchase of the guitar in a rational manner.

10) Price Limits - There are people that will tell you they cannot take a penny less than "X dollars". If they are sincere and need the money it's their problem. Don't let them make it your problem. Their needs are not yours. Let them know that if the price is not negotiable then you will have to pass on this guitar. That price limit will usually disappear very quickly.

Try to be unemotional and never be enthusiastic. Your ability to negotiate will help get your guitar at the best possible price. Maybe that great used electric guitar will be a cheap guitar.

Christine have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for Guitars for sale and great passion and knowledge for electric guitars for sale and all the different options & providers available in the market today. Find out for more info also here TopGuitarsForSale.com

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